Assistant Professor of Statistics

Date Posted: 08/22/2013
Type/Department:Faculty in Cognitive Science
Search Status:Position Filled
Apply Now:Currently we are not accepting resumes for this position.

Hampshire College, an independent, innovative liberal arts institution in Massachusetts, is accepting applications for an Assistant Professor of Statistics in the School of Cognitive Science. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in statistics or a closely related field and be oriented toward applied statistics and data analysis.

The successful candidate will have a demonstrated ability to engage undergraduates with statistics through innovative teaching and collaborative research, and an interest in furthering statistics education and scholarship across the college. Responsibilities include designing and teaching two courses per semester, pursuing an active research program, student advising, and mentoring students engaged in advanced independent research projects. We are particularly interested in candidates  who will add to the strengths of the School of Cognitive Science and collaborate with colleagues in fields such as psychology, biology, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, animal behavior, and education.

Hampshire College is a member of the Five College consortium (Amherst College, Smith College, Mount Holyoke College, and the University of Massachusetts) and a member of the Five College Statistics Program, an active group of statisticians who are creating a collaborative statistics community in the area.

The review of applications will begin October 15, 2013 and will continue until the position is filled.  A Ph.D. is required by time of appointment, July 1, 2014. Applicants should submit the following to our website at 1) letter of application; 2) curriculum vita; 3) teaching statement with descriptions of potential courses; 4) research statement with your own research plans and ideas for interdisciplinary collaboration with other faculty or students; and 5) three letters from professional references.

Hampshire College is an equal opportunity institution, committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community and strongly encourages applications from women and minority candidates. 

Hampshire College is an equal opportunity institution, committed to diversity and inclusion in education and employment.